Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 10

Day Diez.

Late check in here.

Woke up around 1030, ate breakfast. Dilly dallied around until 1PM. Not sure how many hours I wrote for, I re-outlined on notecards and rewrote more than anything.

Total Writing Time: 2.5 hours?

Not sure how accurate that is.

Did half hour yoga. Slept around 130AM.

Gotta wrap this up cause need to get to work on today's schtuff. See, this is why you update your shit on time, Brian.



Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 9

Day nueve.

Almost didn't check in.

Today: Slept from 2 till 7. Breakfast from 7AM until 8AM. Slept/messed around on the internet till 1030AM. At the beach/eating lunch till 330PM. Yoga from 330-5PM. Dicked around on internet from 5PM-640PM. Dinner from 640PM-9PM.

Total Writing Time: 2 hrs?

Tomorrow: Time to go back to outline phase and make some decisions. Work off an outline and don't deviate. You don't have time.

Strategy for day ten is same as yesterday. You didnt follow it. You have to follow it tomorrow if you want any chance of finishing.

1. Mac Freedom
2. Writing blocks with countdown on I-pad

Repeat this three times.

Again, here's the strategy for tomorrow:
A: Breakfast
B: Yoga
1. Initiate Mac Freedom for 4 hours
2.  Finish Outline first. On word, then on note card.
3.  Write scenes. Don't rewrite anymore. There's no time.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 8

Day Ocho.

Slept for 10 hours and woke up at 11AM. Ate breakfast, went for a swim/hot tub, showered and departed for Owais's place at 1PM. Watched the game from 130PM-5PM. Lions lost. Re-recorded the pilot episode of the Shin Show from 5PM-7PM. Didn't have the same authentic magic from the first recording but it went well. Drove back to the hotel, picked up the rents, went to dinner, shopped at H-mart until 915PM. From 915PM till 11PM, surfed the net, cleaned, etc.

Exercise: swam 4 laps in hotel pool

Writing: Fail.

Total writing time: Fail.

Strategy for day nine:

1. Mac Freedom
2. Writing blocks with countdown on I-pad

Repeat this three times.

WRITING (Always the priority)

- Figure out how much of Trey's game to show. Do we need Vanessa to be intro'd in this scene? Can we get away with not showing the actual fight/incident that gets Trey in trouble? 
- Finish Boris in car with Mike (Vanessa calls)

You no longer get credit for updating this. You've created a habit where you do, one that's ingrained in you so the takeaway is that new habits can be formed. Time to form them for the only thing that matters right now: writing.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Day 7

Day Seven.

Sleepy. So very sleepy.

Got about four hours of sleep after Bolsa Chica, went and got breakfast with Pops, passed out till 10, went to Downtown Disney till 230. Dominated Eddie in hoops + hot tub till 530. Showered, passed out for 40 mins before getting Sushi till 830. Got back and ice cream, IBS'd it in bathroom, was too sleepy to get anything done so dilly dallied around on the interweb. It's now 11:11PM.

Exercise: B-ball (defeated Eddie)

Writing: Nope

Total Writing Time: Zero

Tomorrow's Goals:

WRITING (Always the priority)

- Figure out how much of Trey's game to show. Do we need Vanessa to be intro'd in this scene? Can we get away with not showing the actual fight/incident that gets Trey in trouble? 
- Finish Boris in car with Mike (Vanessa calls)

Day 6

Day Seis!

Opted out of Disneyland and woke up at 2PM (thanks xannie!).

Still managed to carve out a semi productive day (we'll take 'semi productive').

Errands: Sent back Lanolyn's X-Mas gift + deposited Chase cash + CVS for face/body wash

Exercise: Did one hour of yoga from 6-7PM.

Writing: Wrote from 8-10PM downstairs. Little bit more upstairs after dinner.

Total Writing Time: 2.5 hours

Tomorrow's Goals:

WRITING (Always the priority)

- Figure out how much of Trey's game to show. Do we need Vanessa to be intro'd in this scene? Can we get away with not showing the actual fight/incident that gets Trey in trouble? 
- Finish Boris in car with Mike (Vanessa calls)

OK, off to Bolsa Chica!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 5

Day five, still alive.

Merry Christmas!

Woke up at 930, picked up the 'rents at the airport and drove down to Irvine. Spent the majority of the day driving/doing errands, probably wrote for an hour.

Total Writing time: 1 hour

Tomorrow's Goals: got a full day to work with.

- 1.5 hours yoga
- Chase Bank deposit

- Finish Kat Wake scene
- Write Mike Hospital Scene
- Write Boris Scene
- Write Trey intro scene

- Record Owais intro

Day 4

Rejoice! We've made it to day four.

Checking in at 351AM.

Day 4 Recap: Woke up around noon.
Wrapped presents, ate breakfast.
Lanolyn departed at 2PM.
No AFF, probably ten minutes on Tind.
Did hourlong yoga from 5PM to 6PM.
Packed then showered till 7PM.
Arrived at the junction at 8PM and ate till 830PM.

Rewrote opening sequence of legacy (again). This time I think we got over the hump!

Stayed at the junction from 8PM-230AM. Not sure how much writing I got done but was nowhere as distracted as I usually am.

Total Writing Time: 3 hours (I think)

Tomorrow's goals: write at least one scene (Kat at the wake)

Go to bed by 3AM.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 3

Day Trois.

It's a 5AM post but still, technically done the night of! Well done.

Day 3 Recap

Woke up at 11AM, then 1:30PM.

Left Lanolyn's and arrived back at the pad at 430PM. Watched three episodes of the Americans, finished season one.

Did half hour yoga session from 830-9PM.

Best buy christmas shopping + CCC for dinner. Ate and watched NBC news till 1030PM.

Rewrote opening scene of Legacy for about 1 hour.

Total writing time today: 1 hour

Lanolyn came over at 130AM. Hijinks ensued. Did present wrapping as well.

Went to bed at 5AM.

Tomorrow: D-Day. Send Huong an outline + 10 pages. This will take far more discipline then exhibited over the last several days.

Goals: Yoga after Lanolyn leaves. One hour workblocks. No internet.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 2

Day 2. You're posting this on Day 3, but hey, no one's perfect. Let's get in the habit of posting before we go to sleep. Yep, I mean tonight.

Day 2 Recap.

Woke up at noon. Watched 2 hours of The Americans.
No yoga/workout. On the plus side, no AFF/Tind.
Did one hour of re-writing opening scene of Legacy.

Left to pick up Jana at 715PM. Din Tai Fung, Shopping, Birdman. Slept at 430ish.

Thoughts: didn't follow up on writing first thing in the morning or Mac Freedom/1-hour workblocks. Never too late to try again.

Total Writing: 1 hour.

Today's goals: Finish re-writing opening sequence of legacy, outline next five scenes. Do so with focused one-hour work blocks.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 1

Oh. Hey. This is the first entry of your process journal.

This is how it's going to work.

You're going to write a new entry everyday. Some days it might be a sentence, somedays it might be a page. The objective at this point is not the content of the post, but the consistency of actually posting. Don't worry about the quality of the content. No one else is ever going to see this. And if they do, it'll be extremely boring for them.

Let this be your unedited freewrite.

Today: 12-22-14 (Sunday)

Woke up at 245PM. That's embarrassing.
P90 Yoga: 630 - 8PM. Need to start this earlier but felt great.
What happened between 245-630? TV, food, nap. Need to fill this time better.

Spent 6 hours at the junction. Surfed web, dicked around on AFF/Tinder.

Solution: Mac Freedom + 1 hour workblocks

Tomorrow's goals: write the opening scene to Legacy. Do it first thing in the morning.